Friday, September 14, 2001

Morning at the Ocean 09/14/02

Morning at the ocean is full of life,

The morning is quite different from night,
Seagulls screaming, Gannets taking a dive,
And surfers riding the waves,
Kids playing games with the water, and making sandcastles,
People sunbathing, and just enjoying the view,
Yes, morning is sure lively, but night is my favorite!
---- Jennifer Alexis Holton

Friday, September 7, 2001

Night at the Ocean 09/07/01

Night at the ocean, when nature's saying goodnight,

The water washing up on the beach,

The full moon shining on the water, made it look like diamonds,

Midnight flowers washing their faces in the dew,

Birds tucked safely in their nests,

Singing lullabies,

Wolves howling in the distance,

Spider webs full of raindrops,

Crickets and peepers singing their night time songs,

A light breeze floats the smell of saltwaterwater through the air,

As the sky starts to brighten,

Showing dawn is near, you think of your Night at the Ocean.

---- Jennifer Alexis Holton