Things everlasting,
Peace and mystic,
Rivers, forest, a light breeze,
Fairies, stories of cinderella, happily ever after,
Romance movies, novels, puzzles of
Things everlasting,
Shine no light,
To dancing in walmart, an italian restaurant,
Vineyards by Keuka lake at night,
Things real life has brought to me,
Better then fairytales,
Things everlasting,
In my memory,
A wall by the lake, his truck, dragons, real homemade cooked meals,
Calm, comfortable laughter, love from the widnows of his soul, so alive it can be seen,
Wonders beyond fairytales,
Things everlasting,
My irish cook,
Dancing, smiling, laughing his way into my heart,
Beyond words description, beyond dreams,
Beyond fairytales.
Forever yours, forever mine.
~Jen Holton