Monday, November 4, 2002

My Secret World 11/04/02

I see the most wonderful places,

Birds sing all day long & the sun never sets,

I dance with angels who every day see His face,

The morning fairies prance over the waters,

Over the hills smiles the sun from space,

The orange clouds & pinks sky sings with the birds,

To see such wonder would be better than any nature walk or race,

Though through my poems you can see, My Secret World!!

---- Jennifer Alexis Holton

Friday, November 1, 2002

Earth, Our Home 11/01/02

The "Great Sphere" slowly turns to see the stars around him,

He wears green shoes, white pants, & blue shoes,

He softly hums with the wind's tunes & hymns,

He bathes himself in the "Great Fireball" & the "Little Mirror's" light to heal his hurts,

He plays with the little ants in his shoes & watches them build cities.

---- Jennifer Alexis Holton