Friday, December 17, 2004

Our Calling 12/17/04

Loudly proclaim your faith,

In Jesus Christ our Savior,

Very few are walking straight,

Everyone needs encouragement,

Only don't force them away,

Upon our calling is love,

Tell and show all Jesus' love,

Living in Love will shine through,

Our very being and is a witness,

Upon the Cross was our Savior,

Death could not stop Him,

For He is and was and will always be,

Our Savior is in us so tell someone!

Run a mile for charity and,

Go with your Christian family,

Only action in your knowledge is wisdom,

Don't keep quiet about Salvation!


Random little poems 12/17/04

A beautiful cat dots every farmer's grove,
Horses in jems,
Keen, loving mothers,
Nature on painted quiet rivers,
Soft turtledoves upon vacant windowsills,
Exit, yield, zoom.

Around my heart,
Is Jesus and my spirit,
Around me is friends.

I am
God's daughter now,
I live in the spirit,
I became a Christian six years,