Sunday, June 10, 2012

Afraid of Falling .... 6/10/12

Hey maybe life isn't simple?

But what am I so afraid of?

I'm clinging to what's comfortable and afraid of jumping into the unknown.

I'm just me trying to figure out how to relax and jump anyways.

Despite the fear,

Despite the risks falling hold,

I find myself happy and for some reason thats scary.

I hide behind who I really am and hide the love I want to show.

What am I doing? Why is this so hard? What am I so scared of?

Maybe I don't want to rush and get burned.

I been hurt so many times and guys just never see me as worthwhile.

I guess I have come to the conclusion to just let them think whatever they want to.

I am just me and I may be scared and self conscious, but hey the right guy will see thru to who I am and will take the time to get to know me for who I really am.

I hope someday that I'll be able to say I'm no longer scared of being left alone.

Abandoned, that word holds me back from jumping off the cliff and letting myself fall.

Will I always be afraid to fall?

~Jen Holton