Friday, December 17, 2004

Our Calling 12/17/04

Loudly proclaim your faith,

In Jesus Christ our Savior,

Very few are walking straight,

Everyone needs encouragement,

Only don't force them away,

Upon our calling is love,

Tell and show all Jesus' love,

Living in Love will shine through,

Our very being and is a witness,

Upon the Cross was our Savior,

Death could not stop Him,

For He is and was and will always be,

Our Savior is in us so tell someone!

Run a mile for charity and,

Go with your Christian family,

Only action in your knowledge is wisdom,

Don't keep quiet about Salvation!


Random little poems 12/17/04

A beautiful cat dots every farmer's grove,
Horses in jems,
Keen, loving mothers,
Nature on painted quiet rivers,
Soft turtledoves upon vacant windowsills,
Exit, yield, zoom.

Around my heart,
Is Jesus and my spirit,
Around me is friends.

I am
God's daughter now,
I live in the spirit,
I became a Christian six years,

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Someday 09/28/04

(I'm a bit of a dreamer, but oh what dreams!)

It is my dream of someday,

When I find him,

It is my dream of someday,

Him and I, of friendship close,

It is my dream of someday,

A band of metal upon my finger,

It is my dream of someday,

My first kiss at the alter,

It is my dream of someday,

A job, a family, & a life of my own,

It is my dream of someday,

That God says is far away,

It is my dream of someday,

Today, future, & forever, to follow God,

It is my dream of someday,

In heaven with the heavenly Trinity,

It is my dream of someday,

And what a future to look forward to!

---- Jennifer Alexis Holton

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Thunderstorm 05/19/04

One day in the past,
I was asleep unaware of the storm,
Coming up exceedingly fast,
Then I was rudely awakened by its rath,
My electronics were going incomparably wild,
And somewhere was a whimper of a child,
I felt the heat of fire as lighting struck a tree nearby,
My stereo was zapped into demo,
As I scolded myself for not writing my wishes in my memo,
The stormclouds effortlessly unleash their terror,
As I listened to the unearthly pounding of the rain,
Thunder, lightning, & pouring rain shook the earth without any gain,
Thunder rumbled & roared as a lightning bolt struck the ground,
I curled up into a ball as yet one more lightning bolt came at first smoothly to a deeply intense to-the-ground fall,
Then as quick as a storm came it stopped as the rain came slowly & barely to a patter leaving the grass flat & dying,
Thunder roared extremely loud in dismay,
Sending me a last warning that he'd be back one day,
Lightning left his message intensely clear and struck the powerlines dead and left me in the dark,
But I was smart & clicked on my flashlight and had the last laugh!

---- Jennifer Alexis Holton