Thursday, August 16, 2012

My Revelations 08/16/2012

So much negativity is all around me!! Ugh!! I am being dumped on this year with all kinds of emotional stress and Idc how "perfect" my life seems to people on the outside, from the inside I'm fighting a battle to keep my head clear and my focus on my faith to keep me from being bitter and negative 24/7.

I hate how the world has become so lost and careless towards each other. Our ancestors would turn in their graves if they saw how their family backstabs and treats each other now.

Hermits have the right idea... Hiding out sounds great sometimes. I wish I could just be me and be left alone and not get lonely. Or find people I can trust and believe in again.

Sad truth is I don't know anything anymore worth trusting. I'm so hurt by so many things that I don't dare trust anyone anymore.

What has happended to this generation?! What has happened to love, respect, and honor? I shouldn't have to worry about the things I do. I wish I could trust in God more to handle everything, but honestly some of the day to day stuff is my responsibility to do and I can pray for strength and pray that my trust in ppl comes back but im not sure things will ever be what they once were.

Gone is the day of innocent bliss. I'm an adult with scars to prove I've lived. I'm here and I'm alive. I have goals and I'm raising my girls up right. Everytime my girls jump and say "Yay! I want to see Jesus!!" I know that I have passed on the most important part of life that I know never fails.

Faith is the the truth you hold on to thru the storms that keeps you strong when you are weak. I don't know what I'll do if I ever lose sight of what little I have left in this life, but I am me. If people don't like how I am or talk poorly about me so be it, but it will dont damage my spirit!

What I have is far greater then worldly things that parish. I have something eternal to hold on to and I will NOT be afraid! I have my faith and my girls are watching me raise them and I am proud of who I am.
My failures and scars just prove I'm human and that God loves me just as I am. I dont have to fake it for God and I love that!! I can be real with who I am when I talk to Him. I will not let anything move me from my foundation! I will not let fear rule my life anymore!

Negativity and rumors and people being fake, it all makes no difference in the end. When you die you take only your soul with you. You have only who you are when you stand before the King and explain your life to Him. Nothing else matters in this world. It will all fade away.


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